29 May 2008

Debrief - Part 1

I'm going to break the debrief of our odyssey into many parts so hopefully it'll be more digestible and less boring. Keep coming back, because our crewmember and most excellent Navigator Mark Carpenter will be editing all our footage into a fun filled film.

The overview- we made it there, we made it back, the tracks will continue to be archived on the iboattrack website for your post-race analysis and discussion. We had to make the unfortunate decision to engage the motor for propulsion in the hopes of getting the crew back in time for their flights, and thereby disqualified ourselves from the race. Out of 9 boats in our division, only 3 actually made it all the way down under sail. Out of the fleet of 24, only 20 made it to Isla Mujeres. One, enroute from New Orleans to Mobile prior to the race (read our account as well) ran aground, suffering damage to the keel, and had to limp to the dock where it was promptly struck by lightning. Two withdrew for mechanical problems, and one unfortunately dismasted and lost the whole rig shortly after the start of the race. So considering that, we did well.

Look for Part 2 - Pre-Race Transit in a day or so

1 comment:

The Coopers said...

Shiver me timbers.